Friday Quick Takes (vol. 21)


November 14, 2014 by Sarah

one. Yes, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last few months have been so very full for our family. It’s amazing how busy life can get with 2 little people. In the midst of normal, full life, I’ve also been sorting out thoughts about blogging and social media in general. What is it all really for? Do I even really like it?!?! You know, just normal deep thoughts about Facebook and the like.

I’ve realized that I do really love the outlet of a blog and am challenging myself/looking forward to posting regularly again. Let’s see where that takes me.

IMG_4740two. On one of the busiest days in the last month, I think it was the first day of my husband being gone for a week, I got it in my head that I needed to bake bread. And I had to do it right away. Why? I don’t know. I just had to. I’ve long been intimidated by yeast, but I gave it another go and the rising didn’t seem all that bad, but then, I realized. I forgot to add salt. Salt! A whole tablespoon of it! I’ve since made the bread again, remembering the very important ingredient, and was very impressed with myself for how it turned out. It tastes like bread! I guess that was the goal right? This is the recipe I used. My plan is to bake loaves every other week, freezing 1 loaf and using it when we’re ready.

three. Pat got me into this amazing new cooking show, The Mind of a Chef. When he first told me about it, I wasn’t too into the idea of it, mainly because he said it was a PBS show. I know, I’m such a hater. But I decided to give it a go, and I instantly got hooked. The show is just, real. You get to know some pretty amazing chefs, and they show you their roots and where they draw inspiration. Their food has stories behind them, and they share them with you. Watching it is sort of a detox from all the flashy, Food Network competition shows I’m used to watching. It’s a breath of fresh air.

four. Our garden is going CRAZY! And I’m loving it. Remember when I shared about this a few months ago? DSC_7752

Now, it’s this.


DSC_8025Finally, the harvest I’ve been waiting for. Can you believe the size of these basil leaves?! Where was this all summer?


five. Speaking of garden harvest, I didn’t realize how important a salad spinner was until I started needing to wash loads of salad greens. A few years ago, I picked up the cheapest one I could find, but more recently, I invested in a sturdy one. If you garden, this is as important as a good pair of garden shears.

six. I’m pretty obsessed with a new-to-me fashion blog, Gal Meets Glam. I love her outfits, make-up tips, and I really just want all her clothes.

seven. I’ve been reading a ton with Gianna and Caleb recently. We’ve been borrowing more and more books at the library. Every time we go, G loves to grab a basket and will completely fill it with random books if I’m not careful. The last visit though, I was surprised at how awesome the books were that she chose. Mr Cookie Baker and Maisy Makes Lemonade were two of them that we’ve been reading over and over again. Of course, after many requests, we have plans to bake cookies and make fresh squeezed lemonade in the upcoming week.

Have a good weekend! For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. nataliealin says:

    The garden looks so lush and great!! I love how moist and dewey and green winter gardens are. Crazy we can grow basil in the fall/winter. I guess we really haven’t had winter yet. I threw my salad spinner out trying to simplify and question that decision often 😉

    Ainsley is into Maisy books too – I randomly picked them out not being sure but she asks for them often to read and they’re pretty cute, although I’m a little overwhelmed by the crammed in graphics. 🙂

    • Sarah says:

      We just had to pull out the last of the basil, the cold weather was getting to it! I think I pulled it out a little too late, I’ll have to remember that for next year. Yay for Maisy! I’ve been meaning to look for more of the books.

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