What Cleaning Up Taught me about Environmental Care


January 20, 2021 by Sarah

A few  years ago, I was captivated by a friend’s blog post chronicling her new zero-waste journey. I had never heard of the term zero-waste before, and it started my own exploration into Bea Johnson and her zero-waste home.  Starting over a decade ago, Bea’s family of 4 reduced their annual trash to a single jar.  I was fascinated. 

Soon after that, I was like a zero-waste whirlwind over here. We have gone the full-range with finding ways to save water and energy and reduce waste. There were changes we made in those early days that we’ve continued to maintain, but I’ve also learned how to flex depending on the season of life. Right now, we have five young kids including a baby and I’ve had to really pare down our greener living habits to what is most sustainable in our current life season. 

Getting rid of things well has been one of those things that for me is important to take the extra time and energy doing. On the newest episode of A Growing Home podcast, I share about our recent home changes that pushed us to a massive round of decluttering, two environmental wake-up calls, and the practical steps I take now to clean up with more attention to environmental care. 

You can listen to A Growing Home Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts

1 comment »

  1. […] I’m also learning about options beyond curbside recycling- like I just learned from my friend Sarah’s podcast that textile recycling is a thing! So instead of sending stained, worn out clothes to Goodwill […]

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