Friday Quick Takes (vol. 11)


August 23, 2013 by Sarah

one. This last week has involved a few firsts for me since Caleb’s birth. After taking a few weeks thinking about how in the world I would fit exercise back into my life, I finally made it happen. It ended up being a family affair! My husband absolutely hates running, but he lovingly put on his running shoes and we loaded up the babies into our double jogging stroller. We definitely got a lot of looks and a few comments (good ones!) from people who saw us jog on by. I have to say, I was very proud of myself. I’ve since went jogging one other time and hope to make it a 3x a week thing. 


two. The second “first” was enjoying a nice drink, with alcohol! While being pregnant with Gianna and during the postpartum period, I didn’t really care about alcohol at all. But this time around, I was really into the idea of being able to drink again. I think it’s because my husband has become quite the mixologist. All summer long he has been making the most amazing drinks, like sangrias and strawberry mojitos. I would eye them longingly! This last week, he mixed me up an asian pear mojito and a lemon-mint-gin fizz. Yummm… I think I got about 1/10 of the way through each drink before I was done. Yes, I’m very much a lightweight.

three. The asian pear mojito involved fresh asian pear juice from our tree, amazing right? With the leftover pulp, I made this bread. Who knew you could use juice pulp like this? Very cool and very delicious.

four. To Instagram or not Instagram, that is the question! I realized that I don’t really know what it’s all about. Anyone out there use it? I might just join the fun.


five. We have neighbors with chickens!! Through our neighborhood social network site, I got to meet Maggie who has a yard full of chickens. We’ve been swapping things from and for the garden, Gianna and I love going over to her house. Maggie surprised us one day with fresh eggs outside our door! The deep yellow yolks of fresh eggs are to die for. We consider ourselves very lucky.

six. My little Caleb is already 2 months old, when did that happen?! His doctor’s appointment yesterday was a hot mess. He had a hard time napping all day long, and the appointment landed during the time when he was most fussy and most ready to take a very long nap! He was crying pretty much from the moment we got to the office until over an hour later when we were finally able to leave. The icing on the cake? He pooped all over me in the middle of the exam. Oh the joys.

seven. I was really challenged by this article, I feel like I’m constantly on a schedule. After reading it, I was able to just enjoy time with Gianna in a way that I haven’t since Caleb’s birth. A really good read for you parents out there.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Mindy says:

    Get instagram!

  2. Jenny says:

    Yeah for the fresh eggs! I am such a lightweight too. I can drink about 1/2 of those cheesy wine cooler sold in walmart before I’m done.

    3-2-1 Party

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