30 Quick Thoughts on 30 Weeks


July 3, 2015 by Sarah

A 10 week later follow-up from this pregnant lady.

  1. Baby girl is now about 3 pounds and a foot and half long!
  2. Her kicks lately have been STRONG.
  3. I’m excited to have my sister-in-law/doctor feel my belly this weekend to tell me what parts of my baby I’m feeling! Are those baby’s arms? Legs? Her little bum that are moving around in there?
  4. It freaks me out just a little that baby will DOUBLE her weight in the next few months.
  5. I’m not sure how that’s possible because I already feel huge.
  6. At times I would describe my current body as whale-ish. I move slow and bump into everything.
  7. I think that I started waddling, it’s a little early for this, not good.
  8. My breakfast (of a huge bowl of oatmeal, an egg, and fruit) runs through my system in about 45 minutes and then I’m starving again.
  9. I keep forgetting to bring snacks with me! Also, not good.
  10. I don’t think that I’ve been craving anything lately.
  11. I just need to eat. All the time.
  12. This is on my to-get list. Wishing it wasn’t so new so I could get it off Craigslist!!
  13. I love being pregnant at the same time as other friends.
  14. I’m running out of things to say.
  15. Since I’ve been pregnant, apparently Gianna has also been pregnant about 8-9 different times. She’s had boys and girls.
  16. Gianna’s recent pregnancy is with a girl whose name is Isabella.
  17. Gianna also recently informed me that she has a husband whose name is Julian. He speaks Spanish. He has children who speak Chinese, but they don’t live in his house. It’s a little confusing.
  18. My daughter cracks me up, I love her and can’t wait for her to have a little sister.
  19. I’m excited to have another daughter. I had a little flash forward moment the other day of all of us girls painting our nails together.
  20. Life as a mom always seems to be crazy. As I get further into this pregnancy, the wise words of my spiritual director have been coming to mind often: “Pace yourself.”
  21. I have a little over 2 months to go, it’s now time to say “no” to a lot more things. This isn’t easy.
  22. I was sort of a stressed out, overtired wreck for the first year of Caleb’s life. This time around, I want to let go of more and more expectations I have for myself and for my children.
  23. I’m realizing more strongly that I need more of Jesus, every hour of every day. It’s too tiring to try to muster up enough strength from my limited self.
  24. Pat and I both come from families of 2 kids. We have no life experience for having THREE little ones running around the house!
  25. We are going to be outnumbered, that is a little scary.
  26. I’ve also started to think about labor again, and that is also scaring me, even though I’ve done it twice already!
  27. Wow, I actually think I’m going to make it to 30, not so short, thoughts!
  28. We don’t have a name yet, Pat and I have just started to talk about how we should probably talk about that.
  29. Do you have any name suggestions?
  30. I can’t believe that I’m having my THIRD baby. I am grateful for a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy so far. Those are no small things.

Happy Fourth of July weekend!


  1. Andrea says:

    Oh my gosh. So… I know of this little boy who’s name is Ambrose Augustine, and now there’s a little part of me that thinks Felicity Perpetua is kind of cute for a little girl. 🙂

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