The Ultimate Turkey Sandwich


November 27, 2012 by Sarah

Chances are you still have turkey left over from Thanksgiving. And if you do, I’m guessing you’re sick of it by now. I’m hoping to give you one last way to eat up that turkey instead of tossing it and feeling guilty about it. My little secret though is that once you try it, it won’t be just a “leftover” Thanksgiving sandwich. It will be a sandwich that you’ll start craving and find yourself searching for cranberries at the most random times of the year. Well, at least this is what it became from the hubs and me. It’s really that good.

The two ingredients that make this sandwich really sing are cranberry sauce and cream cheese. Yes, I thought that the cream cheese was super weird when Pat first asked me to get it. But somehow, the creaminess really pairs well with the berry tartness and savoriness of the rest of the sandwich. Mmm. I just ate this for dinner and I’m already ready for another one just thinking about it.

The directions you can take with this sandwich are endless. Let me know what you come up with!

The Ultimate Turkey Sandwich

Cranberry sauce
Cream cheese
Cheese (ones we’ve used include Havarti, cheddar, pepper-jack)
Optional additional Toppings: Avocado slices, bacon, lettuce

For one sandwich, spread cream cheese on one slice of bread and place cheese on the other. Layer turkey, cranberry sauce, and any other ingredients you don’t mind getting heated up on top. Put sandwich together and place in a panini press or a George Foreman grill (our makeshift press!). You can also spread little chunks of butter on both, un-cheesed sides of the bread and heat it up on saucepan over medium heat.

When the sandwich is golden brown and the cheese is melty, remove, let cool for a few moments, and add any remaining toppings. Cut and enjoy.


What do you think?