Friday Quick Takes (vol. 23)


February 27, 2015 by Sarah

one. I discovered such a gem on the internet, in a little corner on Pinterest. It’s a children’s book list put together by the blogger behind Multiracial Asian Families, a site that I don’t even really remember how I discovered, but started following immediately after I found it. First, about the blog. It’s completely focused on ethnicity and specifically the experience of people who are multi-racial. For me, it’s such a special place, to read thoughtful pieces all about others like me and our experience of the world. The blog has “asian families” in the title, but in my time following, there have been numerous posts outside the asian american experience.

Okay, let’s get back to that Pinterest book list. It’s called “Anti-Bias Children’s Books,” and it’s an incredible list of children’s books (ranging from board books to early readers) that portray racially diverse characters Oh, it’s so cool. I want my children to be exposed to many books that highlight characters that look like them and also characters that are black and brown that aren’t in the majority of books we find at the library. I’ve already ordered a little set of board books for my soon-coming little nephew and have to keep myself from buying a ton more for ourselves!

two. Have you heard of Stitch Fix? It’s an online personal styling site where you fill out a profile and they send you some clothes to try. I was given a gift card for Christmas and finally set up an order!

IMG_5808Oh man, was it exciting to get the box. There a few tops, an awesome looking maxi dress, and a cute comfy sweater. I haven’t tried them on yet, but I’m planning to in about 10 minutes. 🙂

three. These shoes and these are AWESOME for a mom-on-the go like me. I’ve gotten them both in the last few months and LOVE them.

four. I really appreciated this post about what church is and what it isn’t. It really hit at a tension that I’ve felt about how I’ve heard some describe what they’re making church to be.

five. Look at what’s happening in our garden!


Padron pepper seedlings (the first little signs of our summer garden) are peeping out, planted by my darling Gianna. Almost completely by herself!


My girl also pull up some beets today! I don’t know what I did wrong, they’re pretty small. But they were still so tasty when we drizzled them with olive oil, sprinkled them with salt, and roasted them alongside sweet potatoes.


  1. […] my last quick takes post, I mentioned trying out Stitch Fix. I got a lot of questions about it so I thought I would write a […]

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