Friday Quick Takes (vol. 15)


February 14, 2014 by Sarah


one. Happy Valentines Day! I don’t know if Pat and I have ever gone out for dinner on Valentines Day (it’s a little too crazy for us) but I’ve always gotten a sweet gift from my man. This morning, I was surprised by potted ranunculus (my favorite flower) waiting for my tired eyes when I stumbled out of Caleb’s room after nursing. It definitely made waking up a lot easier.

two. Shhh.. don’t tell him, but Gianna and I are baking these for Pat today. I think this is what I did last year too, so it must be becoming a tradition. I love having traditions throughout the year that we can return to over and over again as a family.

three. Over the last month or so I’ve been enjoying some articles/posts about stay at home moms. There’s this one, an estimate of what a stay at home mom is worth, and a pretty awesome short video by one of my favorite mommy bloggers. Oh, and there’s so much I could say on this topic. I think a post is in order.

four. Music of the moment for me? The new Audrey Assad album and also the new Tim Be Told one. They’re awesome and I listen to them both over and over again.

five. Our edible landscape is coming even more to life this weekend! We’ve been planning a backyard orchard and waiting to be planted are 5 bare-root fruit trees. Cherry, pears, plum, and pomegranate! There’s a lot of waiting that comes with gardening though and these trees are no exception. We’ll have to wait 5 years to get fruit! Pat and I are debating about exchanging a few for more mature trees that we can get harvest from sooner.

six. This is my new favorite way to cook chicken. It is so easy and absolutely delicious.

seven. Baby friendly necklaces! Not for baby, for mama. But okay for baby to put in his/her mouth and tug at. I love accessories but have a hard time wearing any because of my little guy who is forever grabbing anything in sight to put in his mouth. I’m debating about buying one… but am currently wondering if I can just make my own.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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