Friday Quick Takes (vol. 14)


November 22, 2013 by Sarah

I feel like I’m bursting with creative energy these days. My internet browser is FULL of open tabs with lots of things I’m exploring. The only problem is that my babies are often on completely opposite nap schedules, and I’m wiped by about 8:30PM. So, there’s not a lot of doing yet but a lot of ideas percolating in my head. Here’s some of what I’ve been thinking about these days.

one. This site is so cool! I love learning about local artisans and farmers. Lucky for me, there’s a pick-up location super close to our house. I’m realizing more and more how lucky we are to live in California, where there is so much local produce year-round.

two. After ending my subscription to Martha Stewart Living magazine a little while back (I love me some Martha, but the magazine was getting old), I recently started a subscription to Bon Appetit and am thinking about also subscribing to this.  

three. We have an avocado tree in our yard! We have an avocado tree in our yard! We have an avocado tree in our yard! Ok, technically it sits like, right on the edge of our property on our neighbor’s side, but still. Pat and I were STOKED to realize that it was there all along, we just didn’t know it. I began wondering if it might be an avocado tree over the summer and happened to ask my uncle, who confirmed it for us. Last weekend another neighbor gave me the down-low on how to revive it, since it hasn’t produced fruit in years. We’re on a mission to get it bring it back to life and bring in a harvest!

four. Avocado tree already in our yard means no need to plant an avocado tree in our backyard which also means suddenly we have an amazing amount of space to plant whatever else we want! I’ve been daydreaming about starting a little orchard with apricots, plums, and apples. Maybe my dream of having fruits and vegetables right from our yard year round will actually happen. My neighbor also shared this site with me, apparently this guy has a lot of helpful information about how to grow a lot of fruit in not a lot of space.

five. With Thanksgiving coming up next week, I’m also thinking a lot about food. Seisha, my go-to if I ever need ideas for incredibly delicious food, shared this dessert recipe with me. I have to restrain myself from looking at the recipe for too long, because then I can’t help myself from wanting to put something buttery and creamy and sweet into my mouth right then and there. I think it just might make an appearance at Thanksgiving. I think it will be perfect sitting alongside a sliver of pumpkin pie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Just imagine it with me, amazing isn’t it?

six. Caleb is 5-months old today, 5 months!! I decided that it’s about time that he learned how to roll over. For the last week I’ve been doing a rolling over boot camp with him, which consists of trying to entice him with fun, colorful, things to get him to be remotely interested in flipping from his back to his tummy. So far, it isn’t working, it really feels like he has no desire whatsoever.

seven. I’m on the hunt for skinny jeans. And a cream puff vest. That is all.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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