First Trimester Joys


January 8, 2013 by Sarah

First Trimester Joys

We are definitely a growing home, this summer we will be welcoming a brand new baby to our not-so-little-anymore family. This will make two babies under two. Eeck! The last few days I’ve been searching for the “I’m a Big Sister” picture book that I got Gianna a month ago. It seems that she hid it somewhere, hopefully not a statement for how she feels about her new brother or sister!

Although we’re broadcasting the news to the world now, Pat and I have been very well aware of our pregnancy since the end of October. The first trimester has been a mixture of a lot things, many of which have contributed to my lack of blogging in the last few months.

Initial mixed emotions about the news. We were very open to getting pregnant but I had no idea it would happen so fast. It took me about a week to get excited about the idea. Until then, I felt sad and guilty about how the new baby would affect Gianna. My still crawling, still in diapers, still nursing little girl was still my baby!

Nausea and food aversions up the wazoo. Eating was not fun until the end of December. I didn’t want to open up the refrigerator, I couldn’t look at Pinterest for fear of a food image making my stomach churn, and I just plain didn’t want to think about food. I have no idea how our family ate during this time, but we’re still alive!

But then there were random cravings. Like McDonald’s breakfast for the first few weeks. My husband was so happy. And man, I just loved potatoes. Especially hash browns. Then there was Ben and Jerry’s Phish food frozen yogurt, yum! And way too much pizza. Note to self and other newly pregnant mommas. Don’t ever buy Costco sized items of foods that you’re craving in the first trimester. I have a 5 pound bag of frozen chicken nuggets that I ate 6 of and decided I didn’t like anymore. I’m still trying to figure out how to get rid of them.

Intense urges to nest. Must. Get. Home. Ready. Even in the first week of finding out, I felt the need to plan out exactly what we needed to welcome new baby. Infant car seat, check. Most other baby things, check. Clothes, maybe check. Must buy new car seat for Gianna and a double jogging stroller. And, potentially a toddler bed. And, must organize like crazy.

Wow does the bump come out fast with baby #2! It took me 5 months to show any outward sign of pregnancy with Gianna and less than 2 with this one. My pants still fit, thank goodness, but until we recently announced the news, I was definitely trying to hide my growing belly. Even then, there were people who noticed.

Now that the first trimester is over, I’m so excited to cook, eat, show off my baby bump, and blog about ALL these things. Get ready! Maybe most importantly, I’m eagerly anticipating the announcement of due-dates for Kate and Kim K. Will our babies share birthdays?!





  1. […] Read more about it over at Sarah’s blog. […]

  2. […] You can read more about it over at Sarah’s blog. […]

  3. Dennis says:

    Sarah, congratulations to the three of you on the new family member!

    As for cravings, I have them all the time and I’m fairly certain I’m not pregnant. I say just give in to them. And yes – potatoes are delicious.

  4. […] between first trimester morning sickness and the weather becoming a lot colder, it had been forever since I’d been to our […]

  5. […] to coincide with the busiest work season ever for me. My mind is a little fuzzy compared to the first trimester about what in the world it was like, but let’s try to […]

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