Episode 16: A Biracial, Missionary Poet


July 12, 2021 by Sarah

This episode, I’m excited to share my conversation with Michael Stalcup! I got in touch with Michael somewhere during A Growing Home Podcast’s first season. I was thinking about interesting people that I wanted to learn from, and he came to mind for a number of reasons. First, Michael is a poet! I had seen him post his poetry on social media over the last few years, and I was always so intrigued about his story and writing process.  I’ve always felt that I just don’t get poetry! Anyone else feel me on that one? I wanted Michael to help me understand it more, which, he totally does in this episode.

Also, Michael is biracial like me, and he’s a dad of mixed kids. I was looking forward to digging into his family’s experience. But on top of all that, Michael and his wife are missionaries living in Thailand. So all this poetry and mixed family life is happening abroad! There’s so much here that I get to explore with him. 

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.



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