Episode 12: Lectio: Two Catholic Converts Talk About the Eucharist


May 31, 2021 by Sarah

The newest A Growing Home Podcast episode is up! It’s a Lectio for this upcoming Sunday mass readings. 

In this episode, I’m joined by my good friend Sarah O’Brien. Like me, Sarah is a mom of lots of littles (4 as of a few weeks ago!) and a convert to the Catholic Church. We both worked full-time for the same interdenominational college campus ministry when exploring Catholicism, and oh yeah, the exploration began because of boyfriends that are now husbands. 

The Last Supper passage we dig into is incredibly deep and there is so much written on and debated about its meaning. Sarah and I aren’t theologians (I recommend checking out Bishop Barron for that), but we are former Protestants and mothers who have wrestled with the Catholic teaching of Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. In this episode, we unpack the passage and share our own personal experiences of Jesus in that little wafer. 



What do you think?