7 Quick Takes Friday


February 1, 2013 by Sarah

I really do have a goal to post more photos with these quick takes. But as you might have noticed, I’m really bad at it. Maybe that should have been one of my New Year’s resolutions that I never made.

— 1 —

I am now just a few days away from being a whole 20 weeks pregnant! And, I definitely feel it. I’m not in maternity pants yet, but just today, I had to unbutton my jeans to give some comfort to my bursting belly. Also to make it’s appearance just recently, my voracious pregnancy appetite. I can barely make it to 11am before making myself a huge sandwich for my first of 2 lunches. And I really shouldn’t be allowed to leave home without snacks, it’s not pretty when the hunger strikes!

— 2 —

I’m a little sheepish to admit that after all the gender revealing party fun and craziness, I found myself skeptical of if our baby was really a boy after all. Could the cake people have gotten it all wrong, as a mistake or a mean joke? The ultrasound technician didn’t point out the gender during the appointment, did he really see it?! I know, it’s pretty ridiculous. But, that’s truly how my mind works sometimes.

At my prenatal appointment today, I mentioned this all to my OB and being the awesome person that she is, she happily wheeled in the ultrasound so that we could have another look. It was such a treat to see my little baby in there another time, all snuggled up. Only after a few seconds of looking around, there HE was, in all his shining glory. Yes, it was very, very obvious. My OB took a photo, with an arrow, for me to show Pat that clearly, it’s a baby boy.

— 3 —

I am so, so excited that my absolute fav Food Network shows are back up with new episodes! Barefoot Contessa, Giada at Home, and The Pioneer Woman. Ina Garten just plain cooks amazing food, all of her recipes that I’ve tried turn out delicious. To be honest, Giada’s food is a little “eh” for me, but she’s just so pretty to look at! And the Pioneer Woman, well, I think I just want to be her. Besides the whole living with horses in the middle of Oklahoma.

— 4 —

I am slightly obsessed with a new cookbook that I picked up in the Anthropologie sale section last weekend. Dinner: A Love Story is all about eating together as a family, which, I’m totally into. We do it almost all the time in our home, but it’s really not always easy. I’m only a few pages into the book, but I already have so many ideas for how to make grocery shopping, menu planning, and cooking happen without the added stress that can come with it.

— 5 —

I finally conquered my kimchi making fear a few weeks ago! I started out with radish kimchi, kkakdugi, because that’s just what I was craving. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t so bad, it even got the approval from my Korean friend whose opinion I very much respect. The only thing was, it never got sour. I kept waiting, and waiting, and it never happened. I asked my mom about it today and her answer? You’ve got to leave it outside (as in, not the fridge) for about a week for all the sour goodness to happen. I have so much to learn…

— 6 —

Who knew that you could play tag in your 50’s? This article is a great read, with an awesome idea for how to stay connected with friends. Even when you live across the country.

— 7 —

I’m convinced that my daughter is the smartest cookie around. She’s babbling up a storm these days, totally into books, and randomly starts belting “E, I, E, I, O” at any given moment. One of my favorite things these days is just being outside with her. Now that she’s walking, it’s like a whole new world out there for her. She loves when I pick fresh broccoli for her out of the garden, it’s the only way I can get her to eat vegetables these days.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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