Zucchini + Eggplant with Herbs


July 19, 2013 by Sarah

DSC_4870I feel like I deserve a round of applause, or at least a high-five for cooking something. Okay, so it wasn’t a meal, but it was a dish, and for that I am very proud of, as a new mama of an almost 4 week old newborn and 21 month toddler.

Somehow out of nowhere yesterday, I had a small chunk of time alone with my daughter. I really savor these times lately with her, I miss the days that we had of just the two of us. Things are very different now with a baby boy who is ready to nurse about every 3 hours and demands around the house that take forever to be met. BUT yesterday, Gianna and I got to cook together, and it was so fun.


I definitely like the “hands-on” approach to parenting, and there’s often a chair pulled up alongside a counter for Gianna to help mama get dinner ready. It’s definitely messy (the other day she tossed half an onion and a lemon into the salad spinner, and then doused it with rice wine vinegar, yikes), and everything takes a lot longer, but I love watching my little girl explore.


DSC_4865While Caleb was asleep, we picked eggplant, basil, and thyme from the garden and got to work. I cut them up while Gianna sorted them into a tupperware I happened to have on the counter. I worked off of a ratatouille recipe I remembered reading a while back and came up with something that I think is pretty tasty.

And now the question is when I will attempt the crazy feat of cooking a whole dinner…

Zucchini + Eggplant with Herbs

olive oil for cooking
1/2 yellow onion, sliced into thin, half rings
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 large zucchini, cut into 1/4 inch thick half moons
4 Japanese eggplant, cut into 1/4 inch circles
1 teaspoon fresh thyme
10 basil leaves, roughly chopped
small handful of parsley, roughly chopped
salt and pepper

Heat olive oil over medium heat in a pan. When hot, add the onion, sprinkle with salt, and cook for 6-7 minutes. Add the garlic for the last minute. Remove and set aside in a bowl.

Add more oil to the pan and add the zucchini. Sprinkle with salt and cook until done, about 5-6 minutes. Remove and add to onion and garlic bowl.

More oil to the pan and next the eggplant. Again, salt it and cook until done, about 6-7 minutes. For the last minute or so, add the thyme. Give it a taste, I LOVE this combo!

When the eggplant is done, add the other vegetables to the pan and stir together. Turn off the heat and mix in the basil, parsley, and a pinch of pepper.


What do you think?